Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Picture Frame Wreath

Recently I got a brilliant idea to make a square wreath. I may have seen someone else suggest other shapes of wreathes a long time ago but I came up with this all on my own. I used a 5 cent garage sale picture frame.

You will need: a cheap  picture frame, twine, hot glue, ribbon, and additional decorations of your choice.

Just start in the middle of a straight side of the frame as the corners are more challenging. Glue the very first bit of twine right to the back of the frame and then wind around the frame , gluing occasionally. When you get to a corner it is more challenging but just glue each wrapped strand in place where you want it for the look you desire. There is no magic right way to do the corners. When finished, glue down the final end on the back of the frame. 
To give your wreath the finishing touch just find ribbon of your choice loop it around your frame and tie ends with a bow. Add any accessories that you want to tailor your frame to you. I made rosettes out of singed edge ribbon and gathered ribbon (My design). I did not glue the rosettes right to the frame as I want to be able to swap them for different seasons. I just glued my rosettes to small lengths of twine and tied them around the frame. When you are ready for a new look, just snip them off and tie on new things.

Friday, February 17, 2012

More Headbands


Here are some scarves I have made for others this winter.